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Filtering dossiers

A guide on filtering documents and criterialist management


Filtering dossiers


Plans ✔Enterprise ✔Pro ✔Standard ✔Basic ✔Free


You can filter dossiers by setting a filter, to set a filter go to dossier overview > advanced search, which is located at the top right. There you can click on “add criteria” on the left side of your screen.


Search filters


By heading to settings > search filters you can filter through the criterialist (filters). Here if you click on the filter icon you can filter through the criterialist.

Click on image to zoom in
Click on image to zoom in

Here you can also edit the current filters by clicking on the ⚙ icon on the right.

Click on image to zoom in
Click on image to zoom in


The dashboard widget


Step 1: You can add a dashboard widget which displays the information that is in a criterialist. This can be very convenient, for example if you have a list with leads that needs to be accessed often. First of all, head over to your dashboard which is located in your menu on the left in the top. Then click on the menu icon on the right and click on “Add widget”.

Click on image to zoom in
Click on image to zoom in

Step 2: After you click on “Add widget” a menu opens with options, click on the “List” option and then click on the bottom right on “Next”.

Notion image

Step 3: After clicking on the “List” button you can select either a new list or an already existing one.

Notion image

Step 4, “new”: If you click on the new list option, there you can select an already existing criterialist.

Notion image

Step 4, “existing”: If you click on the existing list option you can select which criterialist to display. After you have selected your list click on “Next”.

Notion image

Step 5: After selecting/making a criterialist for the widget you can add the widget by filling in a name for the list and a color. You can also select if the list should be private or public within your organization.

Notion image

After clicking on “Finish” your list should appear on your dashboard tab displaying the correct information.