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Impersonating employees

A guide on impersonating employees


Impersonating employees


Plans ✔Enterprise ✔Pro ✔Standard ✔Basic ❌Free


The impersonate tool allows you to impersonate your employees. This can be useful to debug problems that might be happening to an employee or making sure they have everything set up properly. To access this tool, click on the user icon in the top right of VobeSoft and then click on the “Impersonate” button.

Click on image to zoom in
Click on image to zoom in

When you click on the “Impersonate” button a pop-up appears where you can select a user to impersonate.

Notion image

Once you have impersonated someone, you’ll see their dashboard and all the features they have access to; you will also be able to see what they made within their dossiers. There will also appear a button called “Deimpersonate” under the “Impersonate” button, you can use this to go back to your own dashboard and stop impersonating.

Click on image to zoom in
Click on image to zoom in